some days, I feel sincere and insincere at the same time……

My beloved, who has been away on a business trip for two weeks now, sent me this in an email last night as a sweet gesture. I was charmed, of course, but now I’m musing about the way Frank can seem both interested and uninterested in what he’s singing at the same time.  Can you guys do that? I know I can be both into something and not all at the same time…..


  1. That makes me laugh. Sinatra does have a 'whatever, baby' vibe when he sings a love song.

    And, yes, I can be both into something and, at the same time, not. Fundraisers and cocktail parties come to mind.

  2. Josephine, you crack me up! Whatever, baby! LOL!

    Fundraisers and cocktail parties are perfect examples!

    Lisa, glad you're on board--I really do keep becoming more ambivalent in general these days, alas...


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