TOTD: Tamara hopes for full bottle love

File:Pedro Américo - A Noite e os Gênios do Estudo e do Amor.jpgFrom a private correspondence between me, LBV, and my perfume friend Tamara. In this installment, Tamara struggles with her expectations and certain realities while searching for true love. I bet you all can relate. I certainly can.

“I'm about to go to the dreaded mall this morning to go see if I like Laura Mercier's Minuit Enchanté cause from what I've read about it, it seems like it's right up my smelly alley ….”

a few hours later:File:Rosetti01.jpg

“But you know what I did? I went to try the L.M. Minuit Enchanté and what the hell! It was a screechy mish mash of notes; it was (and still is) painful cause I'm trying to give it the full on it deserves (poor  nasty thing) but bleeech! I am so glad I didn't have to pay for that sample. But I do have it  now if you’re interested, ha!

Sooo I take it back what I said I don't . I'll ADD to what I was saying before. I don't just love decadence, I also love earthy and green. Whoooweee girl, I came home (sorely disappointed but so thankful I didn't do a blind buy based on the hype of it.)

.. cause I was so positive I would just cave and get it.  Don't you hate when that happens?  When you wanted so badly to love something and you don't, you can’t. I suppose it's the hunt that really is the fun part but Lord when you find FB worthy love it's joy. Aggghhh, I'm rambling (sorry!) .. .cause I was so positive I would just cave and get it.  Don't you hate when that happens?  When you wanted so badly to love something and you don't, you can’t. I suppose it's the hunt that really is the fun part but Lord when you find FB worthy love it's joy. Aggghhh I'm rambling (sorry!)

Tamara, sweetie, ramble away!

File:Vison of the Holy Grail.jpg


Pedro Américo, “A Noite e os Gênios do Estudo e do Amor” from Museu Nacional de Belas Artes in Rio.

Dante Gabriel Rossetti, “The Damsel of the Sanct Grael or Holy Grail” Courtesy Wikimedia Commons.

William Morris’ “Vision of the Holy Grail” from the Museum and Art Gallery of Birmingham



  1. I totally felt the same way about minuit Enchantee , and it wasn't easy to get a sniff of . Oh well , more dollars left for something else...I'm lemming DK Iris , but it's not getting good reviews . I'll wait until I'm in NYC in October and get a good whiff .

  2. I certainly agree to some points that you have discussed on this post. I appreciate that you have shared some reliable tips on this review.


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