Going away on holiday!

File:Jean-Léon Gérôme 010.jpgHI all,

Today my husband and I leave for a two and a half week trip to Andalusia and Morocco! We will explore the land, go shopping (for perfume!!!!!!!!!!! and other things too, I guess) and relax before returning to the real world. I look forward to a break from teaching, and I am certain my chronically stressed and overworked husband will be thrilled to avoid thinking about all things financial and work-related for a week.

As far as Hortus Conclusus is concerned, I have lined up several posts for your perusal—especially through the first week or so. I will not be around to respond to your comments (or visit your own wonderful blogs) until the very end of August, so please forgive what may appear to be a stony silence on my part. I look forward to reconnecting and seeing what you all had to say when I get back, though.

I wish you all a wonderful month of August, filled with art, delight, beauty, family, friends, and scent!

Nos Vemos Pronto…..

Con Cariño,

Bonne Vivante.

p.s. I’ll be bringing back some presents for you as well………


Jean-Léon Gérôme 'Un Muezzin Appelant du Haut du Minaret les Fidèles à la Prière,' courtesy Wikimedia Commons.


  1. Have an amazing trip! I will send you good vibes on your perfume shopping adventure.

  2. thanks, all of you! I'm off right now!

  3. Have fun my love! Live well, enjoy your life!
    We'll miss you<3


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