TOTD: in which the lady comments on the value of Bvlgari Black

File:A Priestess by Godward.jpgExcerpted from a personal email written to me by Tamara, my guest commentator:

Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmm? :p
Bvlgari Black is not bad but I do not want to smell like a vanilla condom.

Amen to that, Tamara!


Paintings, both entitled “A Priestess” by John William Godward Courtesy of Art Renewal Center at














  1. I'm sorry to anyone I offend with that one but I just can't get over the damn similarity of it.

    It's just not cute on me.

    Nope. ;0)

  2. Honestly, I've never smelled a vanilla condom, although I appreciate anyone having the 'balls' to say it.

    Bvlgari Black is amazing, but only if the mood and weather is right. BB is best on the hottest of days, when asphalt is alive and fragrant.

  3. Hey J, just walk into any Lover's Package store and the scent will assault your nose!
    Tis a true story.

    Pick up some handcuffs too while your at it.

    The fluffy ones. ;)

  4. Oh, dear. Oh, dear.

    I will now determinedly go back to my image of a clean bicycle tire soaking in vanilla. Weird, yes, but...

    Oh, dear.

  5. Sorry, chickenfreak!
    I am sending forgetfulness vibes over the internet-----


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