weleda wild rose body oil

IMG_4602 As I have been thinking about posts related to roses in honor of my rose decant giveaway (to enter, click here) I have been brainstorming about folklore and legend, various fragrances, and food, but it never occurred to me until last night that something I use every day is a rosy experience bar none. I use Weleda’s Wild rose oil, a mixture of ‘good’ (non-mineral) oils and rose oils and fragrance. It smells like roses, is made of  roses, and does wonders for my skin. I use it, and its lavender counterpart, to layer fragrances—the rose oil for floral scents, and the lavender for fougeres and the like. They keep the fragrance on my skin longer, I think (I have VERY dry skin that holds fragrance for about a millisecond) and amplify the qualities of the scent in a very delicate way for a few hours, although the natural essential oils in Weleda products burn off pretty quickly, letting the fragrance shine alone.  welwda rose oil

All in all, it is one of my more effective strategies for prolonging the life of my rose- and floral-based fragrances, and I think it’s worth mentioning, anyway, in case someone else is casting about for a good way to do the same. 



rose pic mine

rose oil pic from Weleda’s website



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